The ClickPoint Blog: Lead Management, Sales and Marketing Insights

10 Metrics That Show Lead Management is an Open and Shut Case

Written by Gabriel Buck | June 1, 2015

Lead Management Software

Guilty as charged!

A sense of justice is intrinsic to human nature. Most people uphold values and beliefs that demand justice through an open, fair, and transparent process. The notion of an ‘open and shut case’ often invites skepticism. This is particularly true when it comes to sales processes, where many businesses fall short.

In fact, when it comes to an effective approach to selling, nearly 45% of businesses are undeniably guilty of failing to take control of their sales processes. This failure can have significant consequences, from missed opportunities to reduced revenue. To highlight the importance of lead management, here are 10 compelling metrics that make its adoption a clear-cut necessity:

  1. 1. Leads contacted within the first 5 minutes
    Conversion rates increase by 200% when leads are contacted within the first five minutes of inquiry (Source: MIT). This immediate response demonstrates attentiveness and increases the likelihood of converting a lead into a sale.

  2. 2. Companies with advanced lead management practices
    Companies that have mature lead generation and management practices achieve a 9.3% higher sales quota (Source: CSO Insights). This demonstrates the direct impact of structured lead management on sales performance.

  3. 3. 45% of businesses lack standardized sales and marketing processes
    According to Forrester Research, 45% of businesses admit they do not have standardized sales and marketing processes. This lack of structure leads to inefficiencies and missed opportunities.

  4. 4. 90% of sales leads are won on the 7th call
    Persistence pays off, as 90% of sales leads are won on the 7th call (Source: ClickPoint Software). This emphasizes the importance of follow-up in the sales process.

  5. 5. Of the 80% of leads not ready to buy, 79% are never followed up
    Marketing Sherpa reports that of the 80% of leads not ready to buy immediately, 79% are never followed up. This represents a significant loss of potential sales due to a lack of nurturing.

  6. 6. Only 13-20% of leads are ready to buy immediately
    Lead management systems are designed to address this pain point by ensuring that the remaining 80-87% of leads are nurtured until they are ready to buy (Source: ClickPoint Software).

  7. 7. 80% of sales agents give up by the 3rd attempted contact
    Many sales agents abandon leads too soon, with 80% giving up by the third contact attempt. Effective lead management encourages persistence and increases the chances of conversion.

  8. 8. 79% of leads never convert to sales
    According to Marketing Sherpa, 79% of leads never convert to sales, often due to a lack of lead nurturing. Implementing a nurturing strategy can significantly improve this conversion rate.

  9. 9. Lead nurturing increases sales opportunities by 20%
    The DemandGen Report shows that lead nurturing can produce a 20% increase in sales opportunities. This highlights the value of consistent and strategic follow-up.

  10. 10. Implementing lead nurturing decreases cost per lead by 33%
    Marketo reports that implementing lead nurturing can decrease the cost per lead by 33%, making the sales process more efficient and cost-effective.

Case closed: Lead Management wins.

Don’t be guilty of failing to take control of your sales process. SalesExec harnesses best practices derived from these metrics to structure a consistent and effective approach. Our solution ensures a rapid response to inquiries and maximizes conversion by nurturing prospects through the sales cycle.

Whether you are a national franchise offering B2C residential services, a U.S.-based international boutique business selling high-ticket luxury items, or anything in between, ClickPoint empowers you to establish a winning sales process.

Click here to see case studies of clients who have successfully taken control of their sales processes with ClickPoint.