The ClickPoint Blog: Lead Management, Sales and Marketing Insights

10 Metrics That Show Lead Management is an Open and Shut Case

Written by Gabriel Buck | June 1, 2015

Guilty as charged!

A sense of justice is ingrained in all of us. Most people have a value and belief system that wants to see justice served by an open, fair and transparent process. Many question anything described as an ‘open and shut case’.

However, when it comes to a solid approach to selling, as many as 45% of businesses are dead to rights when charged with failing to take control of their sales process!

Here are 10 metrics that make the adoption of lead management an open and shut case…

1. Leads that are called in the first 5 minutes…

…increases the ability to convert to a sale by 200% (Source: MIT)

2. Companies with mature…

…lead generation and management practices have a 9.3% higher sales quota achievement rate (Source: CSO Insights)

3. 45% of businesses claim…

…they do not have standardized sales and marketing processes (Source: Forrester Research)

4. 90% of sales leads are won…

…on the 7th call (Source: ClickPoint Software)

5. Of the 80% not ready to buy…

…79% will never be followed up (Source: Marketing Sherpa)

6. Only 13-20% of leads are ready…

…to buy now and lead management is built to respond to this pain point (Source: ClickPoint Software)

7. 80% of sales agents have…

…given up on leads by the 3rd attempted contact

8. 79% of leads never…

…convert to sales. Lack of lead nurturing is the common cause of poor performance. (Source: Marketing Sherpa)

9. Lead Nurturing produces a 20%…

…increase in sales opportunities (Source: DemandGen Report)

10. Implementing lead nurturing…

…decreases cost per lead by 33% (Source: Marketo)

Case closed: Lead Management with ClickPoint

Don’t be guilty of failing to take control of your sales process. ClickPoint helps exploit the best practice extrapolated from these metrics. Our solution structures a consistent approach, ensuring a rapid response to inquiries and maximizing conversion by nurturing prospects not ready to buy through the sales cycle.

Whether you are a national franchise selling B2C residential services to home owners, a US based international boutique business selling big ticket luxury items, or anything in between, ClickPoint lets you establish a winning sales process.

Click here to see case studies of some of our clients that have successfully turned it around when it comes to taking control of their sales process!