The ClickPoint Blog: Lead Management, Sales and Marketing Insights

Get Your Business Organized and Improve Your Quality of Life!

Written by Gabriel Buck | May 22, 2010

Today we have a guest that can help any business become more efficient while also helping you get what you want out of life. I have the pleasure of interviewing Jennifer Furrier of Essential Organizing. I never thought I would need the service that Jennifer provides, but once my business started picking up I hit a wall and found myself working longer hours and feeling drained. I reached out to Jennifer and she helped me put things in perspective. Her suggestions helped free up my time so that I could do the things I really enjoy.



I was also able to reduce my hours. I now come to work with more energy and focus, plus no more feeling guilty about putting in long hours. There is something to be said for working smarter and getting more done in less time. When was the last time you had a productive meeting that lasted longer than hour? Take a listen to her interview and see if some of her stories about business owners working long hours and missing out on the things they value the most sound familiar. If you want to give your business the best chance to succeed you really should listen to what she has to say.

Awesome Organizing and Productivity Tips to Make Life Easier and More Fun!

-Get everything out of your head… When we keep mental notes, it creates stress and overwhelm, and studies that 80% of sickness, is stress related… Write things down in one place, and keep that list or notebook in a place where you know you’ll see it.

-Make decisions with each item that comes your way… You know, versus setting something down in a random place, “for now.” That is the ultimate ‘F’ word, and when we use it, we’re only contributing to that one hour of wasted time that studies show we’re losing every single day, just from looking at things.

-Have homes for paperwork; it helps keep a messy desk clean if we have folders that are easy to access and clearly labeled as a place to ;uickly put paperwork. Say goodbye to Saturdays at the office by taking 10 minutes at the end of each day to put papers away in their homes.

-Get your butt off email and into your most important, bottom line activity NOW… Remember the 80/20 rule, that 20% of our efforts produce 80% of our results- what is that 20% in your life?

-Make organizing fun… Rock out to good music, have a friend close by to help, or even pour a glass of wine and then set a timer and dive into one small project.

Jennifer Furrier
Essential Organizing