Navigating Email Registration and CAN-SPAM

Learn about the recent changes in email send regulations. ClickPoint can help you navigate these changes and ensure compliance.

In the field of email marketing, compliance with anti-spam regulations has always been crucial. But recent events have brought this issue into even sharper focus.

The US federal government passed the CAN-SPAM Act in December 2003 to regulate commercial email messages. CAN-SPAM establishes rules for sending emails and grants recipients the ability to opt out of future emails.

Fast forward nearly 20 years to August of 2023. A major legal case has changed the way marketers and email service providers look at CAN-SPAM.

How Has CAN-SPAM Changed?
Broader Implications
Marketing Software and Third-Party Service Providers
How We Can Help

How has CAN-SPAM changed?

The CAN-SPAM Act remains as it has been since 2003. However, a high-profile case against Experian has set a new precedent for enforcement and prosecution.

Experian is a multi-national credit reporting company. In August 2023, the FTC brought a case against them, alleging violations of the CAN-SPAM Act. The ramifications of this case sent shockwaves through the email marketing industry.

This case is a wake-up call for email marketers. It highlights the importance of strict adherence to anti-spam regulations. As the dust settles, compliance is no longer just a legal requirement but a strategic imperative in email marketing.

The Experian Case

Experian, a trusted name in the financial industry, found itself in hot water because of alleged CAN-SPAM violations. One of the central requirements of the CAN-SPAM Act is an opt-out mechanism for recipients. Experian was accused of sending millions of commercial emails without a straightforward opt-out, violating the law.

This case revolved around emails Experian sent to consumers who had created free accounts to safeguard their credit reports. These account holders could "freeze" or "unfreeze" their credit reports as needed. Experian, however, inundated them with commercial emails promoting various services and offerings without providing a clear opt-out mechanism. This lack of compliance with the CAN-SPAM Act led to consumer complaints and, ultimately, legal action.

Broader Implications

The repercussions of the Experian case extend far beyond the immediate penalties faced by the company. They underscore several critical points:

Increased Compliance Awareness

The Experian case has thrust compliance with anti-spam regulations into the spotlight. Companies in the email marketing industry are now acutely aware of the legal consequences of non-compliance.

Precedent for Enforcement

The FTC's actions against Experian set a crucial example. The looming threat of significant penalties and public scrutiny serves as a potent threat to non-compliant companies.

Impact on Reputation

Aside from financial penalties, CAN-SPAM violators risk reputational harm. Negative publicity from enforcement actions can significantly influence how consumers perceive and trust those brands. A damaged reputation can lead to reduced customer loyalty and potential business losses.

Marketing Software and Third-Party Service Providers

Many software marketing programs use third-party service providers to deliver and track email. This adds an additional layer to compliance. Email providers such as Twilio's SendGrid have seen the Experian ruling as a wake-up call. As these companies change their practices, email marketers will need to be compliant just to get their emails delivered.

Twilio SendGrid Sender Verification

SendGrid has introduced an email verification process for your sender addresses. This process ensures that your emails are delivered reliably to your recipients' inboxes. Note that this change is essential to comply with industry standards and regulations as detailed above.


ClickPoint's Role in Addressing These Changes

ClickPoint Software is here to help our clients navigate this change and assist them in being compliant.

Here's how we can help:

Email Registration and Verification

ClickPoint offers our clients the ability to verify their sender identities through either domain authentication or single sender verification. We have streamlined this process, providing a user-friendly interface and a straightforward two-step method. Both options ensure the smooth delivery of your emails, notifications to team members, or leads to potential buyers.


We provide comprehensive resources to ensure a thorough understanding of anti-spam regulations such as the CAN-SPAM Act. Our team of experts remains diligently informed to keep you well-prepared.

Continuous Monitoring

Recognizing that compliance is an ongoing obligation, we continue to monitor email marketing regulations. This proactive approach identifies and addresses potential compliance issues, allowing you to concentrate on your marketing strategies.


We are dedicated to equipping you with the necessary knowledge to maintain compliance and excel in email marketing. Our resources, such as blogs and knowledge base articles, empower you to navigate the evolving regulatory landscape effectively.

We want to emphasize our unwavering commitment to assisting our clients in achieving success in their lead businesses.

As the email marketing industry evolves, ClickPoint is your ally in achieving compliance and excellence in your email marketing endeavors.

Click here to learn more about email registration and compliance in LeadExec


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