Hello this is Gabriel Buck CEO of ClickPoint Software and we are continuing our interview series with lead companies using the LeadExec platform. Today you will get a question and answer round with Jason Burns of Hurculeads. To review there is a set criterion we use in order to decide who we interview. The companies we interview must have good standing and an excellent reputation in the online marketing industry. We want companies that have a successful model and are willing to share a bit of their success with us in an interview.
The purpose of these interviews is to learn from companies that have already put in many hours of hard work to establish themselves as a reputable company. As a result of our interview lead buyers will be able to hear what questions should really be asked of a lead source before doing business with them. Lead companies will hear what it’s like to run a successful lead company. You will learn what challenges a lead company faces in the current economic environment and what opportunities are still available.
With that said our interview guest this month is Jason Burns of Hurculeads. The reason I wanted to interview him is simply because I have seen what he’s up to and I think personally it’s great. Jason is bringing something new to the table in the lead space that brings value to lead buying customers and I want both buyers and sellers to learn from Jason because I think he has the right idea.
Interview with:
Jason Burns
Quality Ranking (5 stars)
Marketing Method – Exclusive Live Click Transfer System
(similar to live call transfer only using a chat service)
[audio:http://www.clickpointsoftware.com/blog/media/audio/Jason_Burns_Interview.mp3|titles=Jason Burns Interview]