Automating Lead Nurture Will Take Your Sales Team To The Next Level

Automated lead nurture is a very powerful tool, if implemented correctly for sales teams.

Plow Nurture
Nurturing a lead from a new lead to a closed sale is tough work. During the process of conversion, most leads fall by the wayside as a select few make it to the final stage of closure. Many businesses treat each lead as a small seed waiting to bloom into a fruit-bearing plant at the point of sale. Like leads, seedlings are sensitive and require a great amount of proper care to bloom. Light, nutrient rich soil, and water are vital elements that help a seed grow, just like constant contact, value, and time are needed for leads to mature.


It’s a delicate process. However, there’s a huge difference between growing plants and nurturing sales leads. Man has gotten really good at growing things en masse, but we still suck at selling things to individuals on a massive scale. Over the last 200 years, man has developed technology like the tractor which helped us become incredibly efficient at growing  individual seeds in unison into high-yield crops, but we haven’t invented a technology that truly let’s us nurture leads as efficiently as we nurture seedlings. ClickPoint is ready to change all that by using modern technology to automate the lead nurturing process as much as possible.

Over the last few months we’ve been pouring ourselves into a new tool for ClickPoint called Lead Nurture Strategies, that allows ClickPoint users to stay in constant contact with a lead through automated marketing. It’s a sales team’s secret weapon because it allows them to focus on profit, rather than the process of managing hundreds of leads and keeping in constant contact with them. It’s like autopilot for lead nurturing, except you can completely customize it and give leads the individual treatment they need as you see fit.

With drip e-mail marketing, you can create custom, pre-set schedules of emails that will be sent out to your leads on an automated basis and progress them to the next Workflow or change strategies automatically. It means that you can nurture thousands of leads at the same time. You can set up the system so that once leads have progressed to a certain workflow or status you can call them to attempt to close, change their status, or change to a different strategy.

Nurturing Strategies are going to change the way sales teams manage their leads by giving them more time to focus on their best leads while also developing high-yield leads in their pipeline with minimal effort. If you’re interested in getting an early look at Nurture Strategies, sign up for a free 30-day ClickPoint Trial right now.

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